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October 2019 PAC 2 Meeting Notes


Updated: Sep 28, 2021

The regular meeting of Partners Against Crime, District 2, was held on October 14th, 2019, at 6:00 p.m., at the DPS Training Facility, 2107 Hillandale Rd. Durham, NC 27705. Co-facilitator: Rebecca Redd-Jolly; Treasurer: Gerri Stanczyk; and Secretary: Netty Chandler, being present and Facilitator: Zion Tankard absent.

Call to Order 6:00 PM Introduction of Attending Members (reported by Rebecca Redd-Jolly)

Members introduced House Keeping 1st Time Guests; Birthdays Format of Meeting (includes history of PAC)

Action on Agenda/Minutes (reported by Rebecca Redd-Jolly)

Vote – PAC 2 Secretary Minutes Approved

Announcements/Programs (reported by Rebecca Redd-Jolly)

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month Domestic Violence Awareness Month National Bullying Prevention Month Daylight Savings Time Ends (Nov. 3rd) Halloween (Oct. 31) Reminded attendees that LOTS of great information could be found on the City ( and County ( websites…, so be sure to check them out often!

Facilitator’s Report (reported by Rebecca Redd-Jolly)

Nothing to report

Treasurer’s Report (reported by Gerri Stanczyk)

Nothing to report

Departments and Organizations Reports (reported by Rebecca Redd-Jolly)

Durham Police Department (reported by Capt. Robert Gaddy) Current Crime Trends 1. District 2 had one homicide in September. (1309 Hudson Ave on 09/21) 2. Robberies decreased in September. (District 2 had 8 in September compared to 11 in August). Please be aware of your surroundings and call police if you notice anything suspicious. 3. District 2’s aggravated assaults saw a decrease. (District 2 had 17 in September compared to 23 aggravated assaults in August.) (21 victims compared to 28 victims). 4. Burglaries saw a decrease for this month. September’s total was 40 compared to 51 in August. Remember to lock your doors, sheds, and garages. 5. Larcenies decreased. September had 154 larcenies compared to 202 in August. Remember do not leave valuables in your vehicle and to always lock your doors. 6. Officers conducted 1,784 directed patrols throughout District 2 in the month of September. 7. Anyone with information related to these crimes is asked to call Crimestoppers (919-683-1200) or investigations (919-560-4582). Notable Arrests 1. Name(s): Johnathon Miller Charge(s): On 9/11/19 a Burglary took place at 3830 Guess Road. Suspects broke the front window and took several items out of the store. Uniform Patrol and District 2 Investigations worked together on the investigation which led to a search warrant being conducted on an Apartment on Hudson Avenue. A Mr. Johnathon Miller was charged with breaking and entering with the intent to commit larceny and larceny after breaking and entering. 2. Name(s): Tab Brooks Charge(s): On 9/13/19 Officers arrested Tab Brooks for the larceny of a back pack blower from a vehicle located at 5106 Long Leaf Drive Durham, North Carolina. Investigator Mussatti was able to identify the suspect and took out warrants for his arrest. 3. Name(s): Charles Robertson Charge(s): On 6/21/19 a larceny of a Stihl back pack blower took place at 1700 North Pointe drive. Investigator Krieger was able to locate the item in the pawn system and identified the suspect that had pawned the stolen Stihl back pack blower. On 9/3/19 Charles Robertson was arrested on outstanding warrants in this case for larceny from a motor vehicle and obtaining property by false pretense. 4. Name(s): Bryant Bennett Charge(s): On 8/27/19 officers responding to a kidnapping call where a Lift driver was held at gun point and made to drive to a certain location from 801 Broad Street. District 2 Investigators were able to identify the suspect in this case and obtain warrants on him. His name is Bryant Bennett. On 9/18/19 Bryant was arrest by patrol officers and was served with outstanding warrants; Assault by Pointing a Gun, Fel. Restraint, and Mis. Larceny. 5. Name(s): Chester Holloman Charge(s): This was an attempted armed robbery of the BP store located at 1815 Hillandale Road. Investigators were able to identify the suspect as a Mr. Chester Holloman. The weapon used by the suspect in this case was a large knife. Mr. Chester Holloman was arrested on the outstanding warrants for attempted Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon on 9/26/19. Crime statistics and notable arrests are available for viewing at, District 2 Commanders Update. Learn more about DPD: Follow us on Twitter: For more information about crime in your area or to view it on a map visit: Office of the Sheriff (reported by Capt. Keith Webster) Capt. Webster reported the following: ➤ Speeding issues: N. Roxboro Rd and north of Hwy 15/501 ➤ 19 traffic stops ➤ 12 speeding citations ➤ Swans Mill area concerns (patrolled the area with 51 call times 08/16/2019 – 10/13/2019) ➤ New Firearms Ordinance – handout entitled: The Durham County Code of Ordinances Chapter 17, Article II, Sec 17-54 states: § Sec. 17-54. Prohibited discharge of weapons near other property. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm or airgun within 900 feet of the property or boundary line of any of the following: (a) A dwelling house; (b) A school; (c) A church or religious institution; (d) Any other type of building, while occupied; (e) A public or private park or recreation area; (f) Any other type of public gathering place. ➤School bus (speed 45 mph); Activity bus (55 mph) -handout entitled: § 20-218. Standard qualifications for school bus drivers; speed limit for school buses and school activity buses. (a) Qualifications. – No person shall drive a school bus over the highways or public vehicular areas of North Carolina while it is occupied by one or more child passengers unless the person furnishes to the superintendent of the schools of the county in which the bus shall be operated a certificate from any representative duly designated by the Commissioner and from the Director of Transportation or a designee of the Director in charge of school buses in the county showing that the person has been examined by them and is fit and competent to drive a school bus over the highways and public vehicular areas of the State. The driver of a school bus must be at least 18 years of age and hold a Class A, B, or C commercial drivers license and a school bus driver’s certificate. The driver of a school activity bus must meet the same qualifications as a school bus driver or must have a license appropriate for the class of vehicle being driven. (b) Speed Limits. – It is unlawful to drive a school bus occupied by one or more child passengers over the highways or public vehicular areas of the State at a greater rate of speed than 45 miles per hour. It is unlawful to drive a school activity bus occupied by one or more child passengers over the highways or public vehicular areas of North Carolina at a greater rate of speed than 55 miles per hour. (c) Punishment. – A person who violates this section commits a Class 3 misdemeanor. (1937, c. 397, ss. 1-3; 1941, c. 21; 1943, c. 440; 1945, c. 216; 1957, cc. 139, 595; 1971, c. 293; 1977, c. 791, ss. 1, 2; c. 1102; 1979, c. 31, ss. 1, 2; c. 667, s. 36; 1981, c. 30; 1987, c. 337, s. 1; 1989, c. 558, s. 1; c. 771, s. 6; 1991, c. 726, s. 22; 1993, c. 217, s. 1; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 761, s. 20; 2009-550, s. 3.2.) Durham Parks and Recreation (Ashley Harris, Recreation and Aquatics Supervisor, Johnson Aquatic Center) Ashley Harris provided information on the following upcoming events: 1. DPR operates 2 indoor eight-lane pools which offer a number of water programs including water exercise, swim lessons, swim teams, lap swim and recreational swim. 2. Fright Night – Friday, October 18, 2019, Rock Quarry Park, 701 Stadium Drive, Durham, NC 27704 (6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.). Calling all of Durham’s ghosts and ghouls! DPR will host a fall event for all ages including carnival games, a costume parade, hay ride, and for those who love a fright, a haunted trail! We will be collecting canned goods to donate to a local food pantry. Please consider bringing a can or two! This is a free drop-in program for all ages! 3. Disability Awareness Month – Saturday, October 19, 2019, CFLRC at Lyon Park, 1200 W. Lakewood Avenue, Durham, NC 27707 (11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.). Enjoy free food, performances, adapted sport demonstrations, exhibits from local agencies and resources, giveaways, children’s games/activities, and much more. There is something for everyone and ALL are welcome and encouraged to come! Update: This event has been cancelled, and will be rescheduled. 4. Glow In The Dark Dodge – Wednesday, October 23, 2019, Walltown Park Recreation Center, 1308 W Club Boulevard, Durham, NC 27705 (6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.). Remember the days of playing dodgeball? Now is your chance to play it again, but in the dark! Come out and enjoy a fun new way of playing glow in the dark dodgeball. Individuals and teams are welcomed to participate in this high-energy dodgeball game. At least 4 players on a team, no more than 6 players per team. First half of event will be round robin play followed by a single game elimination tournament. Come out and see what all the excitement is about! Ages: 16 & up Preregistration required. Register online at, any recreation center, or the administration office. 5. Starlight Friday – Friday, October 25, 2019, Oval Drive Park, 200 W Club Boulevard, Durham, NC 27704 (7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.). Spend an evening with the stars, under the stars! Bring the family to enjoy an outdoor movie! These free movies will start at sunset! *Due to movie licensing, we are unable to advertise the movie that will be playing. Please call ahead to find out what we’re showing! All ages. Free, drop-in program You can find the Play More Magazine at: or just log onto the Parks & Rec site at and click “Play More” on the left – or browse through all the other tabs on that page for lots more information. Neighborhood Improvement Services (reported by Alexis John, Community Engagement Strategist) Alexis John provided information on the following: ➤ “Meet Us At The Table” project to get to know your community ➤ New buildings coming to the area, trails, etc. Visit the City of Durham NIS Community Engagement website: interests and complete an intake form in order to receive updates from the City and check off your specific interests such as: General Updates Equitable Community Engagement Mayor’s Transformation in Ten Beautification Neighbor Spotlight Neighborhood Matching Grants City Hall on the Go Bull City Play Street Cleanups Urban Avenue (Development Proposal) South Ellerbe Stormwater Project Belt Line Trail Project I want to volunteer For information on NIS programs and services, attendees were encouraged to contact Alexis John, Community Engagement Strategist, Districts 2 and 3 Coordinator, via telephone or email at 919-560-1647, ext. 34245, To see the PAC Newsletters from NIS, click or copy/paste the hyperlink into your browser:

Durham Crime Cabinet (reported by Cheryl Shifflett) 1. A meeting comprised of the: City manager, County manager, Police Department, Sheriff’s Department, Fire Department, Criminal Resource Center, and representatives from the PACs. Meetings are held every other month. The last meeting was held on September 13th, 2019. The crime Cabinet received reports from the Chief of Police, James Stuit (Gang Reduction Strategy Manager), Criminal Justice Resource Center, District Attorney Santana Deberry, Wanda Boone of Durham T.R.Y./S.T.R.Y.V.E., etc. 2. The Crime Cabinet is an advocacy group of local government and justice-system officials, and some private citizens, with interest in crime, courts and public safety. At the Crime Cabinet’s meeting they talked a lot about : a) guns and accessibility to guns and assault-type weapons; b) homicides: gang-related, domestic violence and disputes in families; c) firearms; d) schools; and Together for Resilient Youth (T.R.Y.) and Durham S.T.R.Y.V.E. (Striving To Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere) under the leadership of founder Wanda Boone. 3. Ten years ago there were 3.7 homicides per 100,000 people in Durham, today 10.1 homicides per 100,000 people in Durham 4. Wanda Boone is the founder and director of Durham T.R.Y. and a new organization called Durham S.T.R.Y.V.E. For more information, please visit their website: Durham Crisis Response Center (reported by Shirrell Thomas, Community Outreach Coordinator, and Jennifer Hinchey, Victim Witness Coordinator) Shirrell Thomas and Jennifer Hinchey reported the following: What is Domestic Violence? A pattern of abusive and controlling behavior that is a life threatening crime that effects people regardless of their gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, social standing, immigration status, or race. Types of Domestic Violence ➤ Verbal ➤ Emotional ➤ Physical ➤ Sexual ➤ Stalking ➤ Cyberstalking The Power and Control Wheel The Power & Control diagram is a particularly helpful tool in understanding the overall pattern of abusive and violent behaviors, which are used by a batterer to establish and maintain control over his partner. Very often, one or more violent incidents are accompanied by an array of these other types of abuse. They are less easily identified, yet firmly establish a pattern of intimidation and control in the relationship. (See the Wheel below – the left side depicts “Physical Violence” and right side “Sexual Violence”) Sexual Violence ➤ Using Intimidation ➤ Using Emotional Abuse ➤ Using Isolation ➤ Minimizing Denying and Blaming Physical Violence ➤ Using Children ➤ Using Male Privilege ➤ Using Economic Abuse ➤ Using Coercion and Threats Statistics show that: ➤ 1 in 4 women experience domestic violence ➤ 1 in 9 men experience domestic violence ➤ Boyfriend/girlfriend, straight, gay, single and married couples accounts for 15% of all violent crime ➤ Women between the ages of 18 and 24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner Last year in the state of North Caroline, there were 48 domestic violence homicides; to date, we are at 47 for this year with 3 being in Durham. The police response to domestic violence consist of: 1) On Scene Response – a new initiative in partnership with the Durham Crisis Response Center (a screening tool was designed for the officers to be used in the field) 2) Investigative Stage 3) Victim Advocacy In March a partnership was formed with the Durham Crisis Response Center and to bring in Dr. Jacquelyn C. Campbell’s “Lethality Assessment Program” based out of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. The purpose of this program is to focus on decreasing domestic violence homicides. The screening form consist of the following: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LETHALITY SCREEN FOR FIRST RESPONDERS (example of form used by officers) Officer: Date: Case #: Victim: Offender: Arrested: Yes No Victim Safe Tele, No.: Victim Alternate Safe Tele. No: Safe time to call victim: Is the victim Native American? Yes No Check here if victim refused to answer all of the questions. (Ask the victim to participate in research.) A “Yes” response to any of Questions #1-3 automatically triggers the protocol referral. 1. Has he/she ever used a weapon against you/threatened you with a weapon? Yes No Not Ans. 2. Has he/she threatened to kill you or your children? Yes No Not Ans. 3. Do you think he/she might try to kill you? Yes No Not Ans. Negative responses to Questions #1-3, but positive responses to at least four of Questions #4-11, trigger the protocol referral. 4. Does he/she have a gun or can he/she get one easily? Yes No Not Ans. 5. Has he/she ever tried to choke you? Yes No Not Ans. 6. Is he/she violently or constantly jealous or does he/she control most of your daily activities? Yes No Not Ans. 7. Have you left him/her or separated after living together or being married? Yes No Not Ans. 8. Is he/she unemployed? Yes No Not Ans. 9. Has he/she ever tried to kill himself/herself? Yes No Not Ans. 10. Do you have a child that he/she knows is not his/hers? Yes No Not Ans. 11. Does he/she follow or spy on you or leave threatening messages? Yes No Not Ans. An officer may trigger the protocol referral, if not already triggered above, as a result of the victim’s response to the below question, or whenever the officer believes the victim is in a potentially lethal situation. Is there anything else that worries you about your safety? (If “yes”) What worries you? Check one: ⚬ Victim screened in according to the protocol ⚬ Victim screened in based on the belief of officer ⚬ Victim did not screen ⚬ Officer decided not to screen (ask victim to participate in the research whether/not screened ) If victim screened in: After advising her/him of a high danger assessment, did the victim speak with the hotline advocate? Yes No WHETHER OR NOT THE VICTIM SCREENS IN, READ THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT: ……. (IF THE VICTIM SPEAKS WITH AN ADVOCATE, WAIT UNTIL SHE/HE IS DONE) CHECK ONE: ☐ VICTIM AGREES ☐ VICTIM DOES NOT AGREE People need not be experts in the subject of domestic violence, however, they should at least know how to identify a domestic violence situation, how to sensitively approach and respond to victims, and where to send them for further assistance. Professionals often call this type of training the “3Rs” (Recognize, Respond, and Refer). If someone confides in you that they’re suffering domestic abuse: 1) Listen- show support 2) Don’t blame the victim 3) Tell your friend that you are worried about them 4) Ask them how you can help 5) Encourage your friend to seek help 6) Give them information on organizations that offer help for people experiencing domestic abuse For more information contact: Shirrell Thomas, Community Outreach Coordinator 919-403-9425, ext, 239 Jennifer Hinchey, Victim Witness Service Coordinator 560-4951, ext. 29291 Durham Crisis Response Center 206 N Dillard St, Durham, NC 27701 919-403-6562(English) 919-519-3735 (Spanish) Family Justice Center 919-450-8970 Board of Elections (reported by Derek Bowens, Director of Elections) Derek Bowens reported the following: Early Voting Early voting for the November 5, 2019 Municipal Election will be held Wednesday, October 16th to Friday, November 1st. Daily stats will be updated here on a nightly basis after the close of voting each day. To see the early voting schedule for the 2019 Municipal Election, click here. To see the schedule in Spanish, please click here. To locate your closest early voting location, click here and enter your address. Voter ID Beginning in 2020, North Carolina voters will be required to provide photo identification to vote when voting in person or by mail. There are some exceptions. Photo ID is not required for any elections in 2019. Click here to learn more about the photo identification requirements and to view a list of acceptable forms if ID. Requesting an Absentee Ballot by Mail Requests can only be made by completing an Absentee Ballot Request Form. The deadline to request an absentee by mail ballot for the November 5th Municipal Election is Tuesday, October 29th at 5:00 pm. Provisional Voting Provisional voting is a mechanism by which a citizen is guaranteed the opportunity to cast a ballot in the event that such questions have been raised. In that case, the citizen is permitted to cast a provisional ballot, which is held aside pending research into the issue to be resolved. Findings are presented to the county board members, who make final determinations. Election results are not finalized until all provisional ballots that are eligible have been included in the total count. Provisional voting is fail-safe voting. State law mandates that each person who presents to vote be given that opportunity, whether by regular or provisional ballot. In no circumstance will a voter be turned away. Early Voting Locations Criminal Justice Resource Center, 326 E. Main St. Durham, NC 27701 South Regional Library, 4505 South Alston Ave., Durham, NC 27713 NCCU Turner Law Building, 640 Nelson St., Durham, NC 27707 North Regional Library, 221 Milton Rd., Durham, NC 27712 Source: General Services Department (reported by Nia Rodgers, Senior Construction Project Manager) Nia Rodgers reported the following: Belt Line Trail Project This project includes design and construction of an approximately 1.76 mile long multi-use trail in an abandoned Norfolk and Southern rail bed. It will connect pedestrians and cyclists from North Durham to the Ellerbe Creek Trail network, and to Downtown. The trail will also pass through the South Ellerbe Stormwater Project. Location 517 W Main Street 525 W Morgan Street 526 W Morgan Street 332 Fuller Street 308 Fuller Street 760 W Corporation Street Overview – Durham Belt Line Map: Equitable Engagement Plan: Master Plan: Ellerbe Creek Stormwater Project: If you have any questions, please contact Nia Rodgers, Senior Project Manager, 919-560-4197, ext. 21225,

Unfinished Business

Issue: None to report



Complete By:


Motion to elect Keni Church as PAC 2 Secretary (Nov. 2019 – Oct. 2021 – 2 yr term) Co-Facilitator Rebecca Redd-Jolly, Second Gerri Stanczyk, Vote: Unanimous


November 18, 2019 (DPS Training Facility)

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Netty Chandler, Secretary on 10/19/19. If you have corrections or comments, feel free to e-mail Zion Tankard, Facilitator, directly at



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